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Created 22-Mar-11
Modified 27-Mar-24
Visitors 1271
26 photos
Most of these photos were originally taken for model railway purposes and I include them as they may be of interest.
All captions added but may need correcting.
A number of later images have been purchased through eBay, where known the original photographer is credited.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:British Rail, Coaches, HST, Mk1, Mk2, Mk3

S80378S80428SC9397 Bristol TMSC14160 Bristol TMSC79479 Ayr 1977TRUB Derby  1978W1684 ReadingW5243 Bristol TMW5488 ReadingW6076 Bristol TMW9477 ReadingW26123 Bristol TMW26128 Bristol TMW35176 Bristol TM6L 1011 TC S60707 LDS 1204866L 1032 TS S60555 LDS 120486IC5454 ReadingM4832 Bristol TMM13332 Bristol TMM16120 Bristol TM