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Created 22-Mar-11
Modified 31-Jul-23
Visitors 3084
736 photos
This gallery contains my Western Region photos. Living in Brighton a day trip to Reading was an easy day out with the Student Railcard and later with priv tickets. Other locations include Dawlish, a whole day spent on the seawall, Bristol TM another good day out on the direct train from Brighton.
Most photos are taken by me but a number have been purchased through eBay, where known the original photographer is credited.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:1970, 1980, Bath, Bristol, British Rail, Cardiff, Cornwall, Dawlish, Exeter, Gloucester, Paddington, Reading, Tenby, Wales, Westbury, Western

2 x c37 RDG3D 1301 RDG3D 1319 PAD 0782 AE3H 1107 RDG 03863H 1132 RDG 03733H 205027 Sherborne 0886 RM3H RDG 2007886B 1033 EXD 04766B 1036 EXD 19776L 1013 EXC 04736L 1013 EXD 04736S 1007 Wanstrow 080386 GR33xxx 33016 EXD 068033xxx NTA Motorail 098345 and 47 Dawlish45 Bristol TM45xxx Cornwall 077947 Dawlish47 Dawlish247 Dawlish3