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Created 22-Mar-11
Modified 31-Jul-23
Visitors 3096
574 photos
This gallery contains my Eastern Region photos. Locations include Doncaster, York, Leeds, Peterborough, Sheffield Finsbury Park the London terminals and much more. Little did I know at the time but York would become my second home as my wife is a Yorkie.
Most photos are taken by me but a number have been purchased through eBay, where known the original photographer is credited.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Barnetby, British Rail, Doncaster, Finsbury Park, Huddersfield, Intercity, Kings Cross, Leeds, Newcastle, Stratford, York

4x08 Tinsley 197610 car DMU Starbeck 17087531 Tinsley37 and 31 at Ely 038640xxx SCA 098346Yorkatnight47 xxx DAR 1M79 04097947Stratford314xx LDS 0486474xx unknown475xx Wanstead Park 10871529 YRK 4L21 c19701534 YRK 6O88 freight nodate03069 Newcastle03073 SCA 230783 JV03089 SCA03112 Berwick03158 Lowestoft03158 NRW 03078508758  1977